Sold-out of scarves since before the opener, FC Buffalo has been forced to restock a much-requested original item with some new touches after significant and sincere demand from supporters during the first two home games.
“Our first-year scarf was one a lot of people missed out on merely from knowing about the club,” said merchandising director Joshua Batten. “So we made some slight alterations to the first scarf thanks to Global Scarves and they are available in our store and at home matches for the rest of the year.”
One side of the scarf remains nearly-identical to the popular inaugural scarf with white lettering spelling out FC BUFFALO on royal fabric. The ball, bolts and stars from our club’s crest sit on the ends of each scarf, which now features tri-color fringing in place of the former strictly gold.
The flip side reads FOR OUR CITY.
The scarves are on sale for $20 here. Thanks for asking!