2012 Season Ticket Scarf NOW Available For Online Order

Saturday’s “Winter’s Wolves” was the debut for our 2012 scarves… with a bit of a twist. One scarf, primarily gold (yellow) with blue pinstripes, will be for general sale. The second will only be available for season ticket holders AND serve as their admission for all six NPSL home games. Additionally, season ticket holders will get three single game passes to use at their discretion to bring new fans to the fold.

EDIT (5:52 p.m. EST 12/10/11) — At the request of many fans who could not attend the event, the season ticket scarf is available for purchase at being-rebuilt online store. This is the ONLY item available for sale at the store right now. Any other holiday requests for the next few days should be sent to nick@fcbuffalo.org



So to recap for Saturday: meet a mascot, watch a documentary, buy some winter gear and summer seasons. Plus, most important of all, renew acquaintances with some of the area’s best people in your fellow supporters.

The yellow scarf is $25. The season ticket holder scarf includes admission to all six NPSL home games and runs $40.